The Frontier Workshop is a content sharing platform used in Planet Coaster Console Edition to interact with the Planet Coaster Community. You can view items, or even whole parks made by other players. You can also upload your own creations right from your own console!
To access the Frontier Workshop, you can either:
Access it from the Planet Coaster Console Edition main menu
Access it from within the game itself via the "Your Creations" tab, and select Upload to Frontier Workshop when clicking on any of your items.
Or access it from the Frontier Workshop website by clicking this link.
In the Frontier Workshop, you can either upload or update your creations, subscribe to others, or simply have a look around.
If you wish to upload a creation to the Frontier Workshop, you can do so by selecting the item in the game, and in the Your Creations tab, hold Triangle, and select Upload to Frontier Workshop.
After this is done, you'll be taken to the Frontier Workshop. You can then select Upload as new, and you'll come across the Upload New Creation screen.
If you have pre-selected an item to upload, the Creation Title field in the Upload New Creation screen will be pre-determined based on the name of the creation in the game.
You are then free to amend the Privacy settings of your creation, view the Terms and Conditions, and upload to the Frontier Workshop!
You can see all of your uploaded creations in the My Profile tab.
You can also view creations from other players in the Browse tab, this will allow you to view all kinds of content, ranging from individual items, to fully built parks.
If you wish to subscribe to a particular creation, you can simply select the creation on the screen, and on the creation's overview page, you can select Subscribe. The item will then be available to use in the game. You are also available to rate the creation, or favorite it.
Please do note, there is a download limit for Frontier Workshop creations, which is displayed on screen.
If you wish to report a creation from the Frontier Workshop, you can follow this guide.
If you require assistance with the Workshop, please use the button below to contact our support team.