If you have purchased Elite Dangerous via Steam before 24th April 2019, please ensure that you have registered your Steam key first.
Any purchases made via steam after 24th April 2019 will be unable to generate a partner key for dedicated launching via Oculus Home, but will be able to experience Elite Dangerous in VR through Steam VR.
To redeem an Oculus Home key for Elite Dangerous please follow these steps:
Log into the Frontier Store
Click on ‘Partner Keys' then click ‘Claim a Key for Elite Dangerous (Oculus Rift)’
You can now add the key that the website shows to your Oculus Home account in the Oculus Home settings page.
You are now able to download and play the game via Oculus Home. If you already own the Horizons Season Pass then this will automatically be available when you log in to the game.
Please note: THESE KEYS DO NOT GRANT GAME ACCESS. To use these keys you must already own a Frontier account and a copy of the game.
Please do not give your Oculus key away to a friend as they won’t be able to play without buying Elite Dangerous.
If you run into any problems with this process, please get in touch with our Customer Support Team via the button below.